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Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Little Daredevil!!!!

Now one of Lily's favorite things to do is climb the stairs. I'm really not able to leave her alone for a minute or up she will go! We have gated off the top of the stairs but not the bottom yet, but we are going to have to sometime in the next few days. She's very good at climbing them but going down safely is going to take a alot longer to learn.

Here she is going up up up!!!! I stood behind her to make sure she didn't fall!

She carried her ball up each step! She would set it on the stair ahead of her and then climb and then move it to the next step...very cute to watch!!

Look at me....I'm not afraid of anything!!!

Almost at the top of the first landing!!!

Whew! Now I need a break before going down!!

Playing in the grass!!! Thankfully so far she doesn't seem to be allergic to the grass like I was.

1 comment:

April said...

Good thing Zayne wasn't there to see that! :)