Zayne decided to come out and meet us a little bit early, much to April's relief!!! :) It even worked out to where I could be in there for the delivery. Everything went great and April had a speedy delivery, and a great recovery. Zayne was born on Saturday April 26th, at 9:42pm. He weighed in at 7lbs 5 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long. He is so adorable and sweet and has the cutest black hair! He was a sweetheart the entire time I was down there, and I hated to have to leave, and I can't wait until I can see him again in a few weeks!
We spent the weekend in Charleston, SC accompanied by Ken. We had a nice time and did lots of walking....I was quite tired. I can definitely tell I can't hold out to do as much now.
p.s. Thanks for the Mother Goose book Ken!
On a separate note Jim was able to feel Lily kick for the first time today!!!
Jim and I took a little shopping trip to Charlotte this Saturday. We wanted to research the baby furniture that we will be ordering from Pottery Barn Kids. While we were there Jim saw the cutest little dress, so we had to get it for Lily!
We had our 20 week appt today and it went Great! The technician said that we are definitely having a little Girl! We were so excited! This is what we felt we were having all along but it was nice to have some confirmation. The ultrasound was pretty amazing she pointed out to us the 4 chambers of the heart and the different sections of the brain, the stomach, kidneys, arms, legs, spinal cord and lots more. The baby was moving all around! She said that everything measured good and looked GREAT! She weighs about 12 ounces and she had a 153 heartrate. My blood pressure was good and I had gained 2 1/2 pounds since our last visit for a total weight gain so far of 8 1/2 pounds. We are just thankful that the baby appears to be healthy. Our next appt is May 6th.