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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Emma Victoria Lastinger

Emma arrived via C-Section on April 7, 2011 at 9:52am, weighing 7lbs, 8 oz and was 21 inches long. She shocked all of us with how much she weighed and how long she was. I had a feeling that she would be bigger than Lily, but I wasn't expecting that much. Although she is still so itty bitty. She is just an absolute sweetheart. I have had such a wonderful time bonding with her.

Our stay in the hospital went well. I only had to stay 48 hrs so that was great. There is definitely no place like home, although I will say that all the staff and doctors were really great. It was alot better experience than the first time around. The lactation consultants were awesome and one was in w/ me just a few minutes after I was given Emma in recovery. So, we got started w/ breastfeeding right away, and so far it is going great! When we left the hospital Emma weighed 6lbs 13 oz. She is doing great!

My second day in the hospital I developed this horrible headache, that was probably a result from the spinal. It lasted for several days here at the house, but as of yesterday it was gone and I feel sooooo much better. I've been getting around good with the incision. We all went for a walk to the park this afternoon.

Lily has done so good with Emma. She loves her and loves helping out and checking on Emma. She asks to hold her and touch her. She can't wait until Emma is able to walk and talk.

We had Emma on Thursday and came home on Saturday. Emma had her first Doctor's appt on Monday. She still weighed 6lbs 13 oz, so it was good that she hadn't lost any more weight. All is looking good and we are all enjoying our time together.

This was a couple of hours before surgery. Labor contractions had begun and were getting stronger. Looks like Emma was ready to come one way or another.
She's here!!!

A very happy moment!!

In recovery with Dr. Hyler and Emma

Granny Faye and Emma

Aunt April w/ Emma

Grammy w/ Emma
So happy to finally meet her!

Such a sweetie

Lily meeting Emma for the first time.

Lily's present from Emma

All ready to go home!

So snuggly!

Lily holding Emma for the first time.

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